<script>∞∞∞∞ Script info for "HyperGobbledygook 1.0a", BG 1 ∞∞∞∞HANDLERS:-- answerJargon, doNewBatchFUNCTIONS:-- aJargonItem, anArticle, thePlural, theTrailerSTATS: 3818 chars, 139 lines, 11/23/91, 10:07 PM∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞on answerJargonwatchput aJargonItem() into huhanswer huh &"…" with "Enough"or "Again"put huh&return&return after cd fld "Batch"toggleMenus trueif it is "Again"then answerJargonend answerJargonon doNewBatchget numberOfItems()if not checkmark of menuitem "Accumulate" of menu "Jargon"¬and it is not 0 thenanswer deleteWarning(it)&return&return¬&"If you'd rather add the new entries to the old ones, check “Accumulate” in the menu."¬with "Delete" or "Cancel"if it="Delete"thenwait 30put "" into cd fld "Batch"toggleMenus falseelse exit to hypercardend ifask "How much gobbledygook would you like?"& return& return&¬"(maximum 100 lines)" with 10if the result is "Cancel" or it=0 thenif cd fld "Batch" is "" then hideBatchexit to hypercardend ifif it is not an integer or it>100 thenanswer "“"&it &"” is a faulty entry."&return&¬"Make sure your entry is an integer under 100."doNewBatchend ifif not visible of cd fld "Batch" then showBatchrandomizeput scroll of cd fld "Batch" into oldScrollput 0 into countrepeat itif length of cd fld "Batch">29500 thenplay peep tempo 150 "g5e ge gq gq gq gq ge g ge."answer "Storage is getting crowded."&return&"This batch is cancelled."exit repeatend ifput aJargonItem()&return&return after cd fld "Batch"add 1 to countset scroll of cd fld "Batch" to 15000end repeatset scroll of cd fld "Batch" to oldScroll-- wait 40arpeggiotoggleMenus trueif count=0 then put "No" into countanswer count&&"new entries were created."&return&return&theBatchStats()end doNewBatch---- JARGON handlers ----function aJargonItemglobal listVerbs,listAdjectives,listNouns,listNouns2,itsPluralput false into itsPluralput any item of listVerbs into tVerbput any item of listAdjectives into tAdjput any item of listNouns into tNounif (random(32200)<16000)then put any item of listNouns2 into tNoun2else put "" into tNoun2if (random(32200)<16100)thenif (tNoun2≠"")then put thePlural(tNoun2) into tNoun2else put thePlural(tNoun) into tNounend ifget tNounif tNoun2≠""then get it && tNoun2if not itsPluralthen get anArticle(tAdj) && tAdj && itelse get tAdj && itget tVerb && itif random(32200)<21000 and (tNoun2="")then get it & "," && thetrailer()if the checkmark of menuitem "Sound" of menu "Jargon" then play tickreturn itend aJargonItemfunction thePlural aNounglobal itsPluralput last char of aNoun into lastCharput char length(aNoun)-1 of aNoun into penUltCharif aNoun="CRITERION" then get "CRITERIA"else if aNoun contains"THESIS" thendelete last char of aNoundelete last char of aNounget aNoun&"ES"else if lastChar≠"Y"thenif lastChar≠"S"then get aNoun & "S"elseget aNoun & "ES"end ifelseif penUltChar is in "AEIOU"then get aNoun & "S"elsedelete last char of aNounget aNoun & "IES"end ifend ifput true into itsPluralreturn itend thePluralfunction anArticle aWordif (first char of aWord is in "AEIOU") and "UNIQUE" is not in aWordthen return "AN"else return "A"end anArticlefunction theTrailerglobal listadVerbs,listAdjectives,listNouns,listNouns2global listPrepositions1,listPrepositions2put any item of listAdjectives into theAdjif random(32200)<16000thenget any item of listAdverbsput anArticle(it)&&it && theAdj into theAdjelse put anArticle(theAdj)&& theAdj into theAdjif random(32200)<10000thenget any item of listPrepositions2put space&theAdj after word 1 of itreturn itelseget theAdj && any item of listNouns && any item of listNouns2return any item of listPrepositions1 && itend ifend theTrailer</script>